The mystery of the thall phone box!
Like what is the seagull dain? Who knows? Local thall celeb “the seagull” was seen today guarding her fellow gulls while they done fucknowes what 😂 any ideas? Is it crack?
Like what is the seagull dain? Who knows? Local thall celeb “the seagull” was seen today guarding her fellow gulls while they done fucknowes what 😂 any ideas? Is it crack?
Jaggin !!
Punch the lips clean aff it
Would hate to hazard a guess but wouldn’t wanna be part of that “train”who knows what ud catch 🤢🤮
Scummy bastards have got no shame 🤬
get the seagull her own category 🤣🤣
Liam hard neck ya cunt
Seen this vile bastard at the vic couple weeks ago hassling a wee woman for money, wee woman says i can only gee you a pound but naw that wasn’t good enough for the bold seagull! I filmed her coming back down from the main entrance but video got ended abrubtly when she said who you videoing ya hoor! well let me tell you she turned out to be the politest when i was gonna smash it! If it wasn’t for my wee bro saying your gonna get us both lifted she would have went froma seagull to a bald eagle! Cani wait to bump into it in a dark place! Cant stand people who pick out there victims and abuse there kindness for financial gain. She walked into baynes kdy highstreet while someone i know was waiting in the queue on monday and stole 3 filled rolls and had the cheek to say sorry to the woman serving before she ran oot!
yassss get in templehall seagull on top non stop X